Let coup crisp white shrimp

  [ Shrimp with cornstarch to help massage ]   Sweet shrimp delicious dishes to go with a variety of ingredients , and very convenient ; the problem lies in - wash shrimp way ! In general , many of the books or experts will teach us to wash with salt catch shrimp ! This method is not wrong, just not good enough ! Because salt wash shrimp caught while easy to eat shrimp flavor becomes more salty , and my habit is to wash with cornstarch , in order to truly live shrimp adsorption of blood , mucus , and then rinse with water after natural shrimp will be white and crisp !
Appliances :       
  1. Scoop 1 tablespoon cornstarch (cornstarch and shrimp proportions, at least 1:5), on the shrimp inside.
  2. Carefully hand and scratched, and then gently rub it, to stick to the shrimp looks bloody, slippery mucus rub off. After rubbing will find original white cornstarch, becoming gray's.
  3. The shrimp into the water, and wash cornstarch.
  4. So wash repeated 2 or 3 times, you will find shrimp become very white, but not slippery feels sticky it.